Monday, July 25, 2011



Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Visit to The Microsoft Store

So my family and me went to the Galleria the other day and my wife saw The Microsoft Store and asked me if I wanted to go check it out. Naturally I said yes, the geek in me could not resist. Once in I was quickly disappointed, they to my honest surprise do not offer any discount or incentive to shop there. So as I wound my way through the store looking at basically everything I have already seen and or played with I find myself over by the Windows Phone 7's. These to be sure are at first glance nice looking and smooth to operate. Then here comes the sale floor guy to ruin it all. So as I am getting my first opportunity to tinker with these fine marvels of technology the sales guy pipes up and says "Yo, how you be likin the Win phone 7?" I look over at him with a confused look then go back to staring at the phone not believing I was just approached and talked to like I was a gangster in this store. And so he continues with more ghetto conversation telling me I think all about the features of the phones like how I can use Office applications and well that is pretty much the gist of what he was pushing, So when I said I use a Android phone with Google Docs and was able to do anything I wanted with it he just walked away. There you have it folks, Microsoft's way of acknowledging Google is winning this round.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google Accounts

Google+ is alive and growing.
Going back to work @ NASA this coming week.
My girls are doing good.
Coffee keeps my sanity in check.
Going to Church now with my family.
Zombies are still coming.
I would like some SoCo.
Vacation in one week.
That is all, Thank you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I have an idea I need to start working on for a side personal project.... more to come on that later.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Brian Wheeler

Brian Wheeler
blogging on the run, waiting to hear back from STS about this job in Pennsylvania. Been talking it over with my girls and I think we are all for it now. Cassie was upset at first however now with time to think it over she is in.... still waiting been 1.5 days and I have called several times to find out whats the what.... not sure what to think at this point. I sure hope I am not being jerked around.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Tides be a changing........... again.

Well once more it is time to completely switch career fields. Although this time I was forced out of what I was doing. As a side note this career change thing is nothing new (to me) as I have done this several times in my past. This go around is a bit different in the fact that I was hit with a out of left field lay off (my opinion is that the decision was not thought through and I might have even been stuck in the back with a knife by a co-worker).
Anyway pick up and move on, so I am now pursuing the petro-chemical industry and working toward a chemical plant operator spot. I have started working for a service company for now just to have the income and although the hours are different the money is much better. The biggest change to the career shift this time is my wonderful wife. She does not  handle change all that well and she is understandably nervous about the unknown.
I am confident in the fact that this will workout and well and I know she believes me as well as in me, so here we go.

Friday, January 14, 2011

NOOKers Corner on Facebook

I have created a Group page on Facebook for those of you who have a NOOK or NOOK Color.
We can share books, ideas and anything NOOK related.