Thursday, September 17, 2009

Current and upcoming activites.

WOW what a busy month we seem to be having.
Cassie's birthday went well and all the girls had some fun.
Work never seems to stop (I'm not bitching about it) new equipment to learn and systems I am installing keeps me busy most of the time.
My wonderful wife is helping plan my sisters wedding (one week and two days from now). Crunch time.
I am taking my two beautiful daughters to the beach tis weekend so I can do my part for my sister (I am building an arch for the ceremony).
My wife and her gang of Roller Derby girls (SSRD) just left out this afternoon for Corpus to take on the league from there on Friday night. Good luck ladies!!!!
Alas I need to get my new tire for the bike soon (I am hoping to get this done on Saturday) as I am starting to show some steel belts a bit. I know I know!
I would like to think October will be not as busy, however I think I should know better.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day 09 and the rest of the week...

Got me some disk golf in today with Mike. I even found a disk in the brush when I was forging for one of mine. No name or number on it so it's all mine now, sweet!
Helped with some cleaning after that then mowed the front yard. Dannie and I made some din din tonight. It was a new recipe that my honey dug up and sounded real good. It was a red potato and has casserole and Dannie loves to help her Dad-i cook so here we go chair pulled up to the counter, dad getting all the stuff out.. "i want to help" just a minute baby let me get the thing out. so we start to boil water for the taters and get the other ingredients prepped. i get a big bowl and Dannie starts to pour the items into the bowl with some assistance and then we mix. And away she goes to making a small mess ( she mixes with the authority of a tornado) taters get done and we add then and mix some more then pour into a glass baking dish and top with bread crumbs and melted butter, and toss it in the oven. What a helper! unfortunately I think I was the only one who liked it, my honey said it was sweet Dannie only wanted fruit and Sassy just did not seem to like it much. Oh well better luck next time.
Now Dannie did not take a nap today so she was very short tempered and cranky all evening but her big sis tried to help out a bit and painted her nail after dinner a nice shade of pink while watching Simpson's then it was off to bed for her.
Now is some relaxing time for the rest of us as we unwind from a very busy and productive day.
One more day off for me then back to work on Wed. Cassie goes back to her smart kid classes tomorrow so it will be my honey bunny Dannie and myself tomorrow. I might try to get the back yard mowed and and and???????? Hmmmmm not sure what else but I am sure something will come up.
Ah yes the Shuttle lands on Thurs. so I will be working later on Friday with the Crew Return, however before that we have a Cassie lou birthday family thing on Thursday after work I think Olive Garden dinner. Should be Yummy.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thanks to Sarah

Thank you Sarah for showing me this blog. I have been reading yours and decided I can do that so others can stay up to date on this part of the family.

Any way I am up and at them today after almost 12 hours of sleep (not sure what thats about) Dannie and I just made some cinn muffins.
I might do some yard work today and something with my girls, have to see what they are wanting to do.

Every one have a great day